Viper OS V3.3.1 - Final For Intex Aqua_Power_HD - MT6592

#Traffic indicators working properly.

#Statusbar items working properly.

#Clock & date working properly.

#Battery icon settings working properly.

#Carrier label working properly.

#Quick settings personalization working properly.

#Other statusbar settings working properly.

#VPN icon toggle working properly.

#Data saver icon toggle working properly.

#VoLTE icon working properly.

#Viper statusbar logo working properly.

#Option to Display Data Disabled indicator Icons working properly.

#Ticker working properly.

#Heads up toogle, timeout and snooze function working properly.

#Add/Remove QS shortcuts with one click working properly.

#Custom lockscreen settings working properly.

#Lockscreen weather working properly.

#Option to hide lockscreen clock, date & alarm text working properly.

#Hide status bar on lockscreen working properly.

#Hide power menu on secure lockscreen working properly.

#Hide quick settings on secure lockscreen working properly.

#Lockscreen flashlight, double tap anywhere to sleep and disable media image working properly.

#Round button on recents working properly.

#Recents style toggle: cards and grid working properly.

#Recents membar working properly.

Main Highlight :

#Latest Build working properly.

#GPS Fixed working properly.

#Camera Fixed working properly.

#Substratum Working working properly.

#SDCard R/W Permission Fixed working properly.

#Default Storage - SDCard working properly.

#Both Storage Mounting In PC And Phone working properly.

#Loud Sound working properly.

#Both SIM Working working properly.

#Magisk Root working properly.

Bugs :


#Video Recording In Stock Camera [use Footej camera app]




rom: download
developer root: download
gapps: download
twrp recovery: download

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  1. Is youtube 60fps working

    1. Please fix that... Its ok if sim or camera doesn't work just the UI and YouTube60fps should be working please...

    2. Sir i trying to solv this.

    3. Ok please keep trying

  2. Or you can also made lollipop kernal roms those roms doesn't have any youtube 60fps bug
